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- 安大略省的人口在向其他省份迁移。2023年损失38000人。2022年损失37000人。

- 但国际移民人数流入安大略省,每个季度还是有近5万人,每年将近20万人。其中一半,将近10万人又来了多伦多。


- BMO统计最新估计显示,2023年多伦多、蒙特利尔和温哥华的跨省净移民人数超过13万人。

- 现在多伦多每年新的房屋大概5万套不到,对应10万移民inflow和4万移民outflow,6万移民分5万套房子,显然供大于求。所以近日多伦多的房产和租房市场都比较低迷。

- 另外一个原因就是多伦多的工资没怎么涨,过去十年房价倒是涨了至少一倍。导致人均房屋affordability很差。工资没有十万加币都无法购买或者租住最小的一室一厅condo(一般售价60w加币,租金2000加币左右一个月)



Interprovincial migration

In the third quarter of 2023, Ontario saw a net interprovincial migration loss of 5,952 people to the rest of Canada, compared to a net loss of 9,400 people in the same quarter of 2022. Ontario experienced net losses in its exchanges with 7 of the other 12 provinces and territories. The largest net gains were from Quebec (+1,069) and Manitoba (+513). The largest net losses were to Alberta (-6,262) and New Brunswick (-669). In the 12 months to October 1, 2023, Ontario’s total net interprovincial migration loss was 38,481, compared to a net loss of 37,209 during the previous year.

International migration

There were 47,140 new immigrants to Ontario in the third quarter, down from 50,132 in the same quarter of 2022. In the 12 months to October 1, 2023, 196,305 immigrants settled in the province, down from 218,568 in the previous year. Ontario received 43.2 per cent of all immigrants to Canada over this period, down from 44.4 per cent in the previous year.
There were 2,466 emigrants in the third quarter, compared to 2,390 in the same quarter of 2022.
The number of non permanent residents in Ontario increased by 146,744 in the third quarter of 2023. The number of asylum claimants living in the province increased by 14,646 in that quarter. Holders of a work permit rose by 72,995, holders of a study permit grew by 40,952, and the number of those holding both a study and a work permit increased by 13,225.
There were 1,133,607 non-permanent residents living in Ontario on October 1, 2023, an increase of 358,982, or 46.3 per cent, over the previous 12 months.