2024 I have a dream

发布于: 雪球转发:0回复:10喜欢:0




2024 I have a dream, travel in someplaces alone which i want before.

During inactive time of ST, St.Peterburg ( April) and IceLand (May)

After that, enjoy my new investment in Stock market again.

As for rate of return,it's up to the market itself and all moguls.

Enjoy my life as it cant recharge

Take it easy, you will and you can win.


01-13 21:13

بلدي المعبود

01-13 14:23

new bee yuanwai,my idol

01-13 13:52


01-14 09:49

$*ST金山(SH600396)$ 清源股份 万方发展 中兴商业 长白山 长春高新 华银电力 长源电力 公元股份 长春高新 金龙羽 耀皮玻璃 st金山转型新能源发电,改名华电辽宁,央企改革,电力股反转,,华银电力 长源电力已经涨停,华电辽宁公众号已经扭亏为盈


01-13 14:33

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