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OpenAI’s business progress underscores its lead over independent rivals such as Anthropic, a three-year-old firm whose leaders previously worked at OpenAI. Now financially backed by Google and Amazon, Anthropic has projected it will generate more than $850 million in annualized revenue by the end of 2024, 网页链接{The Information reported this week}. By comparison, some OpenAI leaders believe their company can reach an annualized revenue rate of $5 billion by the end of 2024, while others believe it can reach a far higher figure, according to two people familiar with the projections.

OpenAI的业务进展凸显了其领先于Anthropic等独立竞争对手的优势,Anthropic是一家成立三年的公司,其领导人曾在OpenAI工作过。据 The Information 本周报道,Anthropic 现在得到了谷歌亚马逊的资金支持,预计到 2024 年底,该公司的年化收入将超过 8.5 亿美元。相比之下,OpenAI 的一些领导者认为,到 2024 年底,他们公司的年化收益率可以达到 50 亿美元,而另一些领导者则认为可以达到更高的数字。

据两位知情人士透露,由于其 ChatGPT 产品的强劲增长,OpenAI 的年化收入最近突破了 16 亿美元,高于截至 10 月中旬的 13 亿美元。

The 20% growth over two months represented in that figure—a measure of the prior month’s revenue multiplied by 12—suggests that the company was able to hold onto its business momentum in selling artificial intelligence to enterprises despite a leadership crisis in November that provided an 网页链接{opening for rivals} to go after its customers.
这个数字是上个月收入乘以 12 得出的,两个月内增长了 20%,这表明,尽管 11 月份的领导层危机为竞争对手提供了抢夺客户的机会,但该公司仍能保持向企业销售人工智能产品的业务势头。

• Quarterly revenue pace passes $400 million
- 季度收入突破 4 亿美元
• Some managers think the annualized rate could hit $5 billion in 2024
- 一些管理者认为,2024 年的年化增长率可能达到 50 亿美元
• OpenAI has a lower valuation multiple compared to Anthropic
- 与 Anthropic 相比,OpenAI 的估值倍数较低

转自The imformation


2023-12-31 11:12


2023-12-31 08:13
