日本股票浅谈4348 INFO COM

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4348 INFO COM (MKT CAP 155bn yen and ROE 8) which has the biggest e-books market share and provides IT systems to medical facilities. What market expects is that growing overseas market, new IP business with animation and game design companies and new IT systems for small and middle medical centers in the next few years.


Two mainlines are digital comics distribution through ‘Mecha Comic’ and information systems construction. The digital comics distribution business handles content of major publishers and is also strengthening lucrative original comics. Overseas operations boast a track record in South Korea, and advanced into USA in 2022. The information systems construction business is fostering the medical and nursing care fields, in addition to integrated business systems, and aggressively entering Southeast Asia. Established in 1983 as an information systems firm affiliated with former Nissho-Iwai (present Sojitz Corporation). Merged with Teijin Systems Technology in 2001 and became a consolidated subsidiary of Teijin. Proactive in M&A.


· No.1 electric books in Japan, both numbers of comics and signed authors

· Owns 10% market share of providing working management system to middle size clinics

· Provide fixed monthly plan and pay as you go plan for different consumer groups which increased different hierarchy of user groups


· Cooperate with Peanutoon in Korea and Comicle in USA to enlarge oversea market. Also start business in China and Southeast Asia region. Overseas business is expected to grow up from 1.4bn yen to 4bn yen

· Start new IP business along with animation, drama and game design companies

· Provide medical record system and cloud to small and middle size medical centers, like nursing and surgery centers#日本经济# #日经225指数# #日本央行#