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最震惊的还是Druckenmiller说看了阿根廷Milei在达沃斯的演讲后直接问Perplexity AI 五个阿根廷投资标的...然后全部直接买了...师承索罗斯先投资再研究

DRUCKENMILLER: I’m not only invested in Argentina. By the way, do you want to hear how I invested in Argentina? It’s a funny story. I saw -- I wasn’t at Davos, but I saw the speech in Davos and it was about 1:00 in the afternoon in my office. I dialed up Perplexity and I said, give me the five most liquid ADRs in Argentina.

KERNEN: Argentina.

DRUCKENMILLER: It gave me enough of a description that I follow the old Soros rule, invest and then investigate. I bought all of them. We did some work on them. I increased my positions and so far, it’s been great.

$标普500指数(.INX)$ $纳斯达克100指数(.NDX)$ $英伟达(NVDA)$
