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$法拉第未来(FFIE)$ 今天看到公告说要修改S-1,于是我翻看了一下。不看不知道,一看惊呆了。原来S-1文件早就白底黑字写得清清楚楚(网页链接 第11页):FF 公司财务报告内部控制存在重大缺陷!主要原因是缺乏高素质的会计和财务人员(贾老板不算?)。这种重大缺陷有可能导致无法按时出具财报。。。


2022-04-09 02:16

兄弟,这报告你都读了?我把原文找出来,100多页啊 给我一天时间,也许可以看个大概。不过已经是去年的了,骗都骗了,懒得看了

2022-04-08 23:53

We have identified material weaknesses in FF’s internal control over financial reporting. A material weakness is a deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in internal control over financial reporting such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of its annual or interim consolidated financial statements will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis. These material weaknesses are as follows:
●FF did not design and maintain an effective control environment commensurate with its financial reporting requirements. Specifically, the Company lacked a sufficient number of professionals with an appropriate level of accounting knowledge, training and experience to appropriately analyze, record and disclose accounting matters timely and accurately. Additionally, the lack of a sufficient number of professionals resulted in an inability to consistently establish appropriate authorities and responsibilities in pursuit of its financial reporting objectives, as demonstrated by, among other things, insufficient segregation of duties in its finance and accounting functions.●FF did not design and maintain effective controls in response to the risks of material misstatement. Specifically, changes to existing controls or the implementation of new controls were not sufficient to respond to changes to the risks of material misstatement to financial reporting, due to growth in the business.●FF did not design and maintain effective controls for communicating and sharing information between the legal and accounting and finance departments. Specifically, the accounting and finance departments are not consistently provided the complete and adequate support, documentation, and information to record transactions within the financial statements timely, completely and accurately.
These material weaknesses contributed to the following additional material weaknesses:
●FF did not design and maintain effective controls to address the identification of and accounting for certain non-routine, unusual or complex transactions, including the proper application of U.S. GAAP of such transactions. Specifically, FF did not design and maintain controls to timely identify and account for embedded derivatives related to convertible notes, impute interest on related party notes payable with interest rates below market rates, account for failed sale leaseback transactions, and account for warrant instruments.●FF did not design and maintain formal accounting policies, procedures and controls to achieve complete, accurate and timely financial accounting, reporting and disclosures, including controls over the period-end financial reporting process addressing areas including financial statement and footnote presentation and disclosures, account reconciliations and journal entries, including segregation of duties, assessing the reliability of reports and spreadsheets used in controls, and the timely identification and accounting for cut-off of expenditures.