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回复@Bear_Prince: 感谢大佬!这周数据出完感觉趋势应该基本明确了。06/14的一波期权大部分都在昨天完成止盈,现在手里拿着一些TLT 07/26 call等待新一轮的data逐步兑现预期[加油]//@Bear_Prince:回复@Bear_Prince:What can I say. headline PPI -0.2% vs +0.1%, core ppi 0.0% vs +0.3%, weekly jobless another beat 242k vs 225k, Fed has no room being hawkish
2024-06-13 04:02
首先going into CPI预期如下:
CPI came in with both headline and Core weaker vs consensus. Specifically Core came in 0.16% MoM vs 0.28% consensus。而annulized 3.4%是3年来最低的reading。从细节来看,shelter仍然居高不下,但重要的...