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$Legacy Reserves石油勘测(LGCY)$ 美国油气公司的套路,借钱,增产,再借钱再增产,把油价干下来,然后破产重组,坑的投资者裤衩都不剩。这货看样也是这套路了


2019-03-14 23:03

德克萨斯州米德兰,2019年3月13日 /新华美通/ -传统储备公司(“遗产”)(LGCY)今天宣布,它正在评估和探索潜在的战略选择。这些替代方案包括(其中包括)销售或其他业务合并交易,资产销售,融资交易或这些交易的某种组合。遗产鼓励现有利益相关者和感兴趣的第三方提出建议。Legacy继续与行政代理和其循环信贷工具下的其他贷方合作,以延长工厂的到期日。

MIDLAND, Texas, March 13, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Legacy Reserves Inc. ("Legacy") (LGCY) today announced that it is evaluating and exploring potential strategic alternatives. These alternatives include, among others, a sale or other business combination transaction, sales of assets, financing transactions, or some combination of these. Legacy is encouraging proposals from existing stakeholders and interested third parties. Legacy continues to work with the administrative agent and the other lenders under its Revolving Credit Facility to extend the maturity of the Facility.

2019-03-14 23:11

曾经买过这个公司的优先股 幸好没有长期投资

2019-03-14 23:06

差不多小油气公司都是这样子,spiral death play! 和CHK一样LGCY的债务太高了,所有油气收入都偿还债务利息了