发布于: 雪球转发:0回复:2喜欢:0

$DHX Media Ltd(DHXM)$ CEO的原话,大致意思是由于上个Q4签的合同太高,而这个Q4的合同很多推迟了,导致财报不好看,将来几个季度的财务上会把这部分补回来,但他不能说太多:“we have been working on a number of large transactions involving our content and did so under the strategic review process, but and we are continuing to focus on and work on a number of transactions which we're expecting to be hopefully concluded in the next several quarters. I think that should answer your question, I don't want to say too much.”

$道琼斯指数(.DJI)$ $奈飞(NFLX)$ 


2018-11-13 05:11


2018-11-12 13:45
