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$Amedica(AMDA)$ Stockholders who wish to recommend a candidate for election to our Board should write to: Corporate Secretary, Amedica Corporation, 1885 West 2100 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84119, stating in detail the qualifications of a candidate for consideration by the Board. Additionally, our corporate Bylaws contain a detailed description of the process that must be followed by a stockholder in order to properly nominate a candidate for election to our Board. Information on how to obtain a copy of our Bylaws is provided below. In considering Board candidates, the Board seeks individuals of proven judgment and competence who have strong reputations in their respective fields. The Board considers such factors as experience, education, employment history, special talents or personal attributes, anticipated participation in Board activities, and geographic and diversity factors. The process for identifying and evaluating nominees would include detailed consideration of the recommendations and opinions of members of our Board, our executive officers, and our stockholders. There would be no difference in the process of evaluation of candidates recommended by a stockholder and those recommended by other sources.


2016-03-31 14:59
