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Madina (Waspada): Geothermal company PT Sorik Marapi Geothermal Power (SMGP) has fulfilled the call of the Special Committee (Pansus) DPRD Mandailing Natal (Madina) on Wednesday (10/03) yesterday.

 It can be seen from the Special Committee regarding the disaster that occurred on January 25 in the Geothermal working area of PT SMGP which was initiated by council members.

 This was conveyed by the Chairman of the Special Committee, Dodi Martua when opening a meeting with company management.

 Apart from Dodi who is a Democrat Party politician, there were other members of the Special Committee, namely Ahmad Budiman Borotan (PKS), Suhandi (Gerindra), Zainuddin (Gerindra), Hidayah Herlina (Gerindra), Juwita Asmara and Rahmat Riski Daulay from the Democratic Party.

 Then, Khairun Nasution and Hj Leli Artati from the Perindo Party, Arsidin Batubara and Zubaidah Nasution from the Golkar Party, then Maraganti from the Hanura Party, Saparuddin Ansyari from PAN and Ahmad Taufik Siregar from PKB.

 "After digging up information from several parties, the public, the government, experts and elements of society, the Special Committee needs to hear information from PT SMGP so that it becomes a consideration for issuing recommendations in the interest of all parties," said Dodi.

 The company was attended by the President Director represented by Riza Pasikki, Doni Masditok as Deputy Head of Geothermal Engineering in the field of Occupational Health and Safety, also accompanied by Doni Masditok as Deputy. Head of Geothermal Engineering in the field of Government Relations

 In the meeting which lasted for approximately 2.5 hours, matters discussed included business-related activities, drilling, the resulting vibrations, work equipment standards, the boundaries of the geothermal working area and the community's residence.

 Waste and its management, corporate manpower, social or CSR programs, agreements with PLN, are also discussed regarding activities related to disasters, opening wells, conditions of wells, socialization to the community, gases that endanger life, the evacuation process, to cooperation with the village head. .

 Arsidin Batubara emphasized in the closing statement of this meeting the commitment of PT SMGP in the future to fix everything to ensure that the people of Mandailing Natal are sovereign and feel safe, comfortable and
 prosperous coexist with the company.

 The DPRD Special Committee meeting was then followed by a group review to the Purbalama basecamp and the location of Well Pad Tanggo Sibanggor Julu owned by PT SMGP the following day, namely Thursday (11/03). (Cah)


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