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North Sumatra Police Ensure that the SMGP area is in a safe condition

MEDANHEADLINES.COM , Medan - After the gas leak that resulted in fatalities, the geothermal power plant area owned by PT Sorik Merapi Geothermal Power (SMGP) in Mandailing Natal Regency is confirmed to be safe.

"Conditions at the power plant construction site are safe after an inspection by ESDM together with KBR Gegana Brimob," said the Head of Sub-Head of Sub-Bureau of Penmas Polda North Sumatra AKBP MP Nainggolan, Thursday (28/1).

He said, For a while, the power plant project will not operate until an undetermined time limit.

"Operations have been temporarily stopped," he said.

It is known that a gas pipe belonging to PT SMGP in Sibanggor Julu Village, Puncak Sorik Merapi District, Mandailing Natal Regency had a leak on Monday (25/1) which resulted in five people dying and 24 others fainting.

The incident occurred when one of the employees of PT SMGP with the initials DD opened the tap master palep to channel geothermal or fluid to the sbend pipe.

However, when the geothermal insulation tap pipe was opened, it emitted toxic gas and caused casualties. (Red)


2021-01-30 19:50


2021-01-30 00:50



2021-01-29 19:17


2021-01-29 18:09


2021-01-29 17:24

网页链接 of SMGP Gas Leak Return Home, Governor Urges Police to Investigate Thoroughly