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$复星医药(SH600196)$ 由美国著名的圣路易斯华盛顿大学免疫学家 Ali Ellebedy 博士带领的研究团队,周一(6月28日)发布在《自然》杂志上的一种研究表明,注射辉瑞和莫德纳mRNA疫苗之后,人体能产生一种称为“记忆 B 细胞”的免疫系统细胞,从而可以获得终生免疫。目前其他疫苗还没有类似的研究结果。这项最新的研究报告,给人类战胜新冠疫情带来了巨大希望,因而报告一发表即受到全球各大媒体的高度关注。


2021-06-30 15:38


2021-06-30 17:28


Sanofi bets on mRNA vaccines after covid-19 pandemic shows worth

Updated: 29 Jun 2021, 06:28 PM ISTDENISE ROLAND, The Wall Street Journal

One of the world’s biggest vaccine makers, it plans to invest some $477 million a year to catch up in the new gene-based technology

Sanofi SA said it plans to build a messenger RNA vaccine business, the latest big drugmaker to embrace the technology.

The French pharmaceutical company, one of the world’s biggest vaccine makers by sales, said Tuesday that it would invest €400 million, equivalent to $477 million, a year in mRNA vaccine research, starting immediately.

The drugmaker said it expects the investment to produce at least six new candidate vaccines in human testing by 2025.

The move is a sign of how mRNA technology, which hadn’t produced an approved product before the pandemic but is now a leading source of Covid-19 shots, is reshaping the vaccine industry.

“During the Covid-19 pandemic, mRNA technologies demonstrated potential to deliver new vaccines faster than ever before," Jean-François Toussaint, R&D chief at Sanofi Pasteur, the company’s vaccine division, said in a statement