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Roaring Twenties,咆哮的二十年代(英语:Roaring Twenties,有时为Roarin' 20s)是指西方世界和西方文化中1920年代的十年间。这是一个持续经济繁荣的时期,在美国和西欧具有独特的文化优势,特别是在主要城市例如柏林、芝加哥、伦敦、洛杉矶、纽约市、巴黎和悉尼。在法国,这十年被称为“疯狂年月”(Années folles)[1],强调了这个时代的社会、艺术和文化活力。十年间,它所涵盖的激动人心的事件数不胜数,因之有人称这是“历史上最为多彩的年代”:美国士兵自欧战前线上归国拉开了这一时代的序幕,随后是爵士乐为代表的新艺术的诞生,崭新而自信的现代女性面孔的出现,还有装饰风艺术达到顶峰[2];此一时期内无数具有深远影响的发明创造,前所未有的工业化浪潮,民众旺盛的消费需求与消费欲望,以及生活方式翻天覆地的彻变至今也令人难以忘怀。此外,十年内一系列的美国国内和国际事件也深刻地改变了20世纪上半叶的历史进程。但是,不容否认的是,南方许多州的美国黑人仍然生活在贫穷之中,黑手党的成员受到诸如《一个国家的诞生》这类影片的影响也在急剧扩大,美国国内的种族隔阂和种族矛盾在这一时期进一步扩大和加剧,对有色人种施加集团性迫害的社会基础在不知不觉间被巩固和强化。


2023-03-31 03:03

Levitt Morton "Levi" Morrell was an American financier and investor who was born in 1876 and died in 1939. He was born into a poor family in Massachusetts and worked various odd jobs throughout his youth. In his early twenties, he began working as a stockbroker and eventually started his own investment firm, which grew to become one of the most successful in the country.

Morrell was married twice and had four children. His first marriage ended in divorce, and he later remarried and had three more children.
Morrell was known for his savvy investments and his ability to predict market trends. He made a fortune by investing in a variety of industries, including railroads, steel, and oil. He was one of the few investors who predicted the stock market crash of 1929 and took steps to protect his wealth before the crash occurred.

Despite his financial success, Morrell struggled with depression and ultimately committed suicide in 1939. He was 63 years old.

Morrell's life spanned an era of great change in America. He lived through two world wars, the Roaring Twenties, and the Great Depression. He was a witness to the rise of modern industrial capitalism and the emergence of America as a global superpower.

In addition to his work as an investor, Morrell was also an avid collector of art and rare books. He amassed a vast collection of rare manuscripts, including a Gutenberg Bible and a first edition of Shakespeare's works.

In conclusion, Levi Morrell was a successful investor who made a fortune by predicting market trends and investing in a variety of industries. Despite his financial success, he struggled with depression and ultimately took his own life. His life spanned a tumultuous era in American history, and he was an avid collector of art and rare books.