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$微软(MSFT)$ 虽好但不便宜系列,摘自 Transcript 的一段话:

that’s most exciting is how with Microsoft Fabric, especially for the analytics workloads, we brought together compute, storage, governance with a very disruptive business model.

I mean to give you a flavor for it, right, so you have your data in an Azure data lake. You can bring SQL Compute to it. You can bring Spark to it. You can bring Azure AI or Azure OpenAI to it, right? So the fact is you have storage separated from all these compute meters, and they’re all interchangeable, right? So you don’t have to buy each of these separately. That’s the disruptive business model. So I feel that Microsoft is very well positioned with the way our data architecture lays out our business model around data and how people will plan to use data with AI services. So that’s kind of what I mean by getting your data estate in order. And it’s just not getting data estate in order but you have to have it structured such that you can have the flexibility that allows you to exercise the data and compute in combinations that makes sense for this new age.

最令人兴奋的是,通过 Microsoft Fabric,尤其是针对分析工作负载,我们将计算、存储、治理与非常具有颠覆性的商业模式结合在一起。

我的意思是让你了解一下,你的数据在 Azure 数据湖中。你可以将 SQL 计算引入其中。你可以将 Spark 引入其中。你可以将 Azure AI 或 Azure OpenAI 带入其中,对吗?因此,事实上你的存储与所有这些计算仪表是分开的,而且它们都可以互换,对吗?因此,你不必单独购买其中的每一个。这就是颠覆性的商业模式。因此,我认为微软在数据架构上的定位非常准确,我们的数据架构围绕数据以及人们将如何利用人工智能服务来使用数据的计划制定了我们的商业模式。所以,这就是我所说的让你的数据产业井然有序。这不仅仅是让数据资产井然有序,而是你必须拥有这样的结构,让你可以灵活地使用数据和计算组合,这对这个新时代是有意义的。


2023-07-27 12:23
