发布于: 雪球转发:2回复:10喜欢:0
$Lumenis(LMNS)$ @ilovegrace @stocktone The third party indicated, in a follow-up letter, that (i) it would need to conduct further studies, (ii) it faced certain regulatory hurdles to proceeding forward with its initial offer and (iii) it could not confirm the price level of its earlier offer, and that such price might need to be adjusted downwards based on the additional information it had received up till then.这个第三方应该就是复星医药了。问题是,600196到底发生了什么?


2015-07-23 23:17


2015-07-23 07:30


2015-07-23 00:43

so this is why fosun quit the deal?

2015-07-23 00:18
