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$英华特(SZ301272)$ 记录一下:Part 1 of the definition focuses on operational emissions from energy use, setting criteria to determine whether a building generates zero emissions from energy used in building operations, the DOE said. These criteria involve requiring buildings to be among the most energy efficient; free of on-site direct greenhouse gas emissions from energy use; and powered solely from clean energy, meaning all on-site and off-site energy used in the building must come from clean energy sources, 网页链接{according to a guidance document released by the DOE}.

Major technical advances in energy efficiency, heat pumps and clean energy mean that new and existing buildings can help the nation achieve zero emissions, the department said.

Numerous factors, including embodied carbon, refrigerant use, grid interactivity, indoor air quality and electric vehicle support equipment can improve human health and minimize environmental impacts while cutting utility costs and boosting resiliency to climate change,


The U.S. Department of Energy’s new Commercial Building Heat Pump Accelerator program aims to 网页链接{help manufacturers develop heat pumps} that can replace less efficient rooftop heating and cooling systems. If deployed at scale, next-generation heat pump rooftop units could save U.S. businesses and commercial entities $5 billion on utility bills every year, the DOE said in an April 3 news release.

Despite the effectiveness of heat pumps in boosting energy efficiency and reining in emissions, deployment has been low,。。。The accelerator, developed with manufacturing partners and commercial end users as part of the 网页链接{DOE’s Better Buildings Initiative}, aims to bring higher-efficiency rooftop heat pump technologies to market as soon as 2027, the department said. These units, it said, are expected to halve greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs compared with natural gas-fueled heat pumps.

Heat pump rooftop units are estimated to cut GHG emissions and energy costs by up to 50%, compared with natural gas heating rooftop units. But fewer than 15% of U.S. commercial buildings currently have heat pumps, and their adoption is even lower 网页链接{in cold climates}, where the performance and availability of commercial building equipment lags behind residential systems, according to a 网页链接{DOE fact sheet on the accelerator program}.

Energy Department finalizes rule to phase out fossil fuels in federal buildings

In a push for net-zero emissions from federal facilities by 2045, the new rule mandates a 90% reduction in on-site fossil fuel use by 2029 and complete elimination after 2030.

By: Nish Amarnath • Published April 29, 2024

The U.S. Climate Alliance, a bipartisan coalition of 25 governors, recently pledged to 网页链接{increase heat pump installations} across their states to reach 20 million by 2030. Currently, the U.S. has 网页链接{about 4.8 million} heat pump installations, according to RMI, a clean energy think tank.