《Pradasphere II》上海展| 领略颠覆美学

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12月6日,Prada于上海星美术馆盛大启幕《Pradasphere II》展览。联合创意总监Miuccia Prada和Raf Simons策划的精选故事以叙事方式将展览娓娓道来,追溯从1913年品牌成立至今璀璨的历史及文化。

On December 6th, Prada inaugurated its public exhibition, Pradasphere II, in Shanghai at the Start Museum. Told through a selection of stories curated by co-creative directors Miuccia Prada and Raf Simons, the exhibit traces the history and culture of Prada from its origins in 1913 to the present day.

400余件实物和数字艺术品亮相展览空间,悉数展示典藏时尚档案以及数十年来与艺术、建筑、文化和体育界的跨界合作成果。ACTIVATION EVENTS 助力打造多样展览空间,追忆Prada 的隽永设计。

More than 400 artifacts — physical and digital — are on display, drawn from the fashion archive as well as decades-long engagements across art, architecture, culture, and sport. ACTIVATION EVENTS contributes to creating diverse exhibition spaces.

在Miuccia Prada和Raf Simons的共同见证下,《Pradasphere II》展览于上海星美术馆对大众揭幕。来自电影、文化、时尚、艺术、建筑、商业和金融领域的嘉宾率先打卡,共赏这沉浸感与艺术性俱佳的品牌大展。

Celebrated with a vernissage in the presence of Miuccia Prada and Raf Simons, Pradasphere II is on view at the Start Museum.Select guests from the worlds of cinema, culture, fashion, art, architecture, business and finance attended.


“服装代表着你个性的不同部分。”在此次精心策划的35年间经典造型的系列展品中,Raf Simons 以资深品牌爱好者和2020年以来的共创者视角,对这些时尚档案进行了详细解析。这些作品反映了Miuccia Prada 引领风格对话、拓展时尚疆土的卓越行动。

“It's about living different parts of your personality." In this meticulously edited, chronological selection of iconic looks from the past thirty-five years, Raf Simons interrogates the archive from the perspective of a longtime fan and - since 2020 - co- author. Taken as a whole, the oeuvre reveals the extraordinary ways Miuccia Prada has led the conversation and opened new territories.


1913年,Mario Prada在地标性的伊曼纽尔二世长廊开设了一家精品店,并将其命名为“Fratelli Prada”,品牌的传奇故事亦由此开启。空间还原了初始门店中的局部设计,并以高清影像展示多款原创物件,带来刺激思维和感官的体验。

In 1913, Mario Prada opened a boutique at the iconic Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, naming it "Fratelli Prada," marking the beginning of the brand's legendary story. The space faithfully reproduces partial designs from the original store and showcases various original objects through high-definition images, providing a stimulating experience for both the mind and the senses.


Mario Prada 早年对异国情调和独特材质的兴趣,至今仍是Prada奢华手袋的鲜明特征。这里汇集了Prada时装档案中最珍贵的30款手袋。此外,Hirst 还利用其著名的甲醛溶液池为Prada标志性的Glleria 手袋打造令人惊叹的装置,完美捕捉Prada联合作品的创意精髓。

The original artwork assembles thirty of the most precious handbags from the Prada archive into one of the artist's iconic cabinets. Alongside, Hirst draws on his well-known formaldehyde tanks to create an unlikely setting for Prada's iconic Galleria bag.The subject here are the lavish materials and impeccable craftsmanship that transform a Prada bag from utility to absolute, incomparable luxury.


Prada 为此次展览特别制作了20款半裙,使用以往系列中标志性的材料和技术,以呈现这类简约、素雅的服装款式。

To demonstrate this to the extreme, for this exhibition Prada specially crafted twenty skirts - the simple, humble garment - that explore iconic materials and techniques from past collections.


In addition, numerous exhibition halls house a wealth of carefully curated treasures that bear witness to the brand's evolution. There are also coffee areas crafted to embody Prada's distinctive lifestyle, combining heritage, craftsmanship, and artistry.