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$阿特斯太阳能(CSIQ)$17号 阿特斯太阳能设备厂分厂突然着火,虽然下着大雨,滚滚浓烟仍然往来冒,厂内部还有大火,警方紧急出动20多辆车前来救火。目击者介绍,大火七点多就开始烧了。目击者介绍,由于燃烧物质特殊,用完了灭火材料后,又有一批前来救火。在现场,一共停了20多台救援车辆,出动了8个消防中队。幸运的是,工人都及时从厂里跑出来,没有人员伤亡,直到半夜,大火还未被彻底扑救,扑救用的柴油和氧气瓶里的氧气都出现了不足,救援队又开来补给车辆进行补充,目前警方正对原因展开调查。


2014-02-21 15:12


2014-02-20 23:48


2014-02-20 23:46


2014-02-20 23:46


2014-02-20 23:44


2014-02-20 21:41


2014-02-20 21:11

· Canadian Solar has 4 workshops (N0s. 2,3,4,5) at its cell plant in Suzhou, Jiangsu, in China

· A small fire occurred in the texturing section of workshop no.3 on Monday, February 17, 2013.

· No Canadian Solar employees or first responders were injured as a result of the fire.

· Following a safety assessment, the Company has been able to restart production on workshops no. 4 and no. 5 on the evening of February 20, 2014 and expects to restart and ramp up production to full capacity on workshop no. 2 in the 1st week of March, 2014. Production in workshop no. 3 will reach 80% of its full capacity within the next two months.

· Canadian Solar has been able to secure additional supply of solar cells from third party vendors to meet its current solar module production plan and to fulfill Q1 2014 shipment targets.

· Disruption to customer delivery schedules is expected to be minimal.

· Canadian Solar expects no material financial impact from the fire to its operations which are covered by its property and business interruption insurance policies.

· No other operation at the Suzhou cell plant, including the gas, electric, and water utilities, as well as administrative functions were materially affected by the fire.

2014-02-20 21:01


2014-02-20 20:52


2014-02-20 20:18

求辟谣? 盘前开始跌了