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1. At the Annual Meeting you will be asked to approve a recapitalization of Berkshire, creating two classes of stock.
- 翻译:在年度会议上,您将被要求批准伯克希尔的资本重组,创建两类股票。
- 详解:
- "At the Annual Meeting": 在年度会议上。
- "you will be asked to approve": 您将被要求批准。
- "a recapitalization of Berkshire": 伯克希尔的资本重组。
- "creating two classes of stock": 创建两类股票。
- 重点单词:recapitalization(资本重组)
2. If the plan is adopted, our existing common stock will be designated as Class A Common Stock and a new Class B Common Stock will be authorized.
- 翻译:如果该计划被通过,我们现有的普通股将被指定为A级普通股,并将授权一种新的B级普通股。
- 详解:
- "If the plan is adopted": 如果该计划被通过。
- "our existing common stock will be designated as Class A Common Stock": 我们现有的普通股将被指定为A级普通股。
- "and a new Class B Common Stock will be authorized": 并将授权一种新的B级普通股。
- 重点单词:designated(指定的)、authorized(授权的)
3. Each share of the “B” will have the rights of 1/30th of an “A” share with these exceptions:
- 翻译:每股B股将享有相当于每股A股1/30的权利,但有以下例外:
- 详解:
- "Each share of the 'B' will have the rights of 1/30th of an 'A' share": 每股B股将享有相当于每股A股1/30的权利。
- "with these exceptions": 但有以下例外。
- 重点单词:exceptions(例外)
4. First, a B share will have 1/200th of the vote of an A share (rather than 1/30th of the vote).
- 翻译:首先,B股将拥有A股1/200的投票权(而不是1/30的投票权)。
- 详解:
- "First": 首先。
- "a B share will have 1/200th of the vote of an A share": B股将拥有A股1/200的投票权。
- "(rather than 1/30th of the vote)": (而不是1/30的投票权)。
- 重点单词:vote(投票权)
5. Second, the B will not be eligible to participate in Berkshire’s shareholder-designated charitable contributions program.
- 翻译:其次,B股将不具备参与伯克希尔股东指定的慈善捐赠计划的资格。
- 详解:
- "Second": 其次。
- "the B will not be eligible to participate": B股将不具备参与的资格。
- "in Berkshire’s shareholder-designated charitable contributions program": 在伯克希尔股东指定的慈善捐赠计划中。
- 重点单词:eligible(有资格的)、charitable contributions(慈善捐赠)
2024-05-30 09:45
原文:C. Berkshire’s Dual Class:Thwarting Clones
At the Annual Meeting you will be asked to approve a recapitalization of Berkshire, creating two classes of stock. If the plan is adopted, our existing common stock will be designated ...


05-31 11:43
