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回复@HenryX1e: 家里人接班有一个问题,李嘉诚的儿子孙子还拥有李嘉诚这种能力的概率很低。//@HenryX1e:回复@Canwei:香港这些地产公司好像都不懂最大化每股现金流才是最符合股东利益的,放着高收益率的股票回购不做,留存收益去盖新楼,我不理解。
$布鲁克菲尔德(BN)$ 旁氏就很懂,股东信每年的结尾:We remain committed to investing capital for you in high-quality assets that earn solid cash returns on equity, while emphasizing downside protection for the capital employed. The primary objective of the company continues to be generating increased cash flows on a per share basis and, as a result, higher intrinsic value per share over the longer term.
2024-03-22 11:22
$长实集团(01113)$ 是次收购的Civitas Social Housing PLC,Equity value是4.85亿英镑,Debt是3.62亿英镑,每年的净租金是0.39亿英镑,净租金/EV=4.6%,这还不如回购自家股票收益率高呢@Canwei

