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按:这是我在Business Insider网站上看到的一篇文章,原标题“9 things rich people choose to do that poor people don't”,对于我这种想变成富人的人来说,很有启发性。本质上,富人与穷人的区别,是思维方式的区别。现选译部分,与球友学习讨论。

1. 富人相信收入法则


The rich believe in the law of income.

The rich believe that they will be paid in direct proportion to the value that they deliver to the marketplace.
Poor people believe that we should all be paid the same amount, regardless of the outcome that we produce.

2. 富人关注机会,而非困难。


The rich focus on opportunities, not obstacles.

The poor often see obstacles and quickly give up, while the rich see the the opportunities and enter arenas that many wouldn't dream of.

3. 富人与积极、成功的人交往。


The rich associate with positive, successful people.
Rich people know that attitude is everything. If they continually hang out with people that complain about the weather, bad-mouth the government, and speak negatively about the state of the economy, then they will likely start doing the same thing !

4. 富人愿意提升自我及其价值。


The rich are willing to promote themselves and their value.

If you want to be wealthy, you must learn how to become a salesperson and at the very least, sell yourself.

5. 富人变得比问题更强大。


The rich grow bigger than their problems.

The poor see a problem and they chalk it up to bad luck and quit trying. The rich run into problems and might scratch their heads for a while, but they don't give up. They'll work and work until they discover a solution to the problem so they can win in the end.



The rich think 'both,' the poor think 'either or.'



The rich focus on net worth, not working income.

One can earn quite a lot of money per hour, but if they don't learn to keep any of it, they will still be broke in the end.

8. 富人持续学习成长。


The rich constantly learn and grow.

The rich starve for knowledge because they know that the more they learn, the more likely they are to succeed. The average millionaire reads one nonfiction book a month because they want to grow themselves into the person that they want to be. The average broke person will read nothing and will never change.

9. 富人不怕跋山涉水。


The rich don't mind taking the hard road.

The wealthy don't mind taking the hard road because they have a long-term mindset. The current life might be difficult, but they know their actions today could benefit them tremendously in the future, so they trudge along and keep their eye on the future prize.
