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$永嘉集团(03322)$ Sure. Thanks for that question. Just to give you a little background on our China business with Champion. We entered the market just a year ago with a retail partner. And we have about 50 stores that we expect to grow to about a 100 with that partner by the end of the year. We found the opportunity to bring on a second retail partner to further accelerate our growth as we look toward 2020 and beyond. And this is a great partner. It's very experienced in operating stores in China. In fact, they operate across various brands about 20,000 stores. So they're very experienced at what they do. That gives us one additional partner to enter a very large economy. And we expect to further accelerate our business not only through branded stores, but they'll also give us a great opportunity to accelerate our on line growth.原来永嘉的代理不是独家的,2020年,champion就会多一家代理了。@鸡蛋白 


2019-08-19 13:11


2019-08-16 20:38


2019-08-16 14:08


2019-08-16 13:38

的确。。。居然忘记去看HBI的earnings call,还是怪自己太业余。。。两点silver lining吧:第一,这是8月1日的信息,现在的跌幅应该已经部分price in了,毕竟不是所有人都业余;第二,second partner进来之后,开店的物业质量可能不如现在这些店铺好

2019-08-16 12:06


2019-08-16 12:05
