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$中国绿色农业(CGA)$ the management is really a problem never caring the interests of sharehoulders but only themselves with high salary and bonus. if we can interact with management as a group of shareholders who represent a significant number of shares we can have a greater impact on CGA management than acting alone as individuals. we even can overthrow the management team or the board of directors.  If you are interested in joining such a group, please email James Holts, the group leader,  at CGAshareholders@yahoo.com. He will let you know how well we are doing in recruiting shareholders. If you let me know the number of shares you hold, He will be able to tell you how many shares are represented by the members of the group.


2018-04-12 04:26

Hi Pete, great Idea. I think it is a good idea to join Forces. We should find a way to communicate together with management and seek friendship and trust. It is still not to late for CGA to find an attractive valuation at NYSE, but it will only work if communications and actions are well alligned with the interests of all shareholders.