发布于: 雪球转发:1回复:3喜欢:0
在雪球也是可以的。我们每天有15%的用户来自美国。//@高睿博:First, it is important to remember that many Chinese companies that are listed in the US are high growth stocks that tend to be far more volatile than the indexes wherever they are from. I would say though, that with the many new investors to Chinese stocks in the past several years, there is a lack of understanding by the US investors in many cases. We believe that it is very important for Chinese companies to build strong communication channels with investors through regular investor meetings, through an effective IR website and other means.
2011-12-06 15:23
@高睿博 What does it mean that the share price of US-listed Chinese stocks is extremely volatile? Is there a lack of understanding between Chinese companies and US investors?


黄河太2011-12-07 00:03


klukoff2011-12-06 15:58

雪球在成为重要的交流渠道 [赞] //@雪球访谈: “It is very important for Chinese companies to build strong communication channels with investors”//@不明真相的群众:在雪球也是可以的。我们每天有15%的用户来自美国。

雪球访谈2011-12-06 15:52

“It is very important for Chinese companies to build strong communication channels with investors”