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【美国房地产行业继续降温】随着关键的春季销售季节临近,不断上升的抵押贷款利率正在给美国房地产市场降温。 根据房地美 (Freddie Mac) 的数据,利率连续四个星期上涨,为 11 月初以来的最高水平——根据抵押贷款银行家 (Mortgage Bankers) 的数据,利率为 6.65% 水平下,截至 3 月 2 日,经过季节性调整的购房者抵押贷款申请达到 28 年来的最低水平。 持续放缓还可能拖累家具和电器等物品的支出,并减少房地产经纪、抵押贷款机构和其他相关业务的收入。$美国银行(BAC)$ $摩根大通(JPM)$ $富国银行(WFC)$ 


沧桑之前青春之后2023-03-06 23:06


冷小二2023-03-06 22:33

Up for four straight weeks, rates are the highest since early November, according to Freddie Mac—6.65% as of March 2, days after mortgage applications from home buyers, seasonally adjusted, hit the lowest level in 28 years, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. A continued slowdown could also weigh on spending for items such as furniture and appliances, and reduce revenues for real-estate brokerages, mortgage lenders and other related businesses.$房地美(FMCC)$