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$Genworth Financial(GNW)$  Once Oceanwide has finalized its financing plan, Oceanwide will discuss currency conversion and transfer of funds with China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE). Oceanwide is also seeking confirmation from the Delaware Department of Insurance that the acquisition of Genworth’s Delaware domiciled insurer may proceed under the existing approval, which Oceanwide expects to receive upon finalization of its financing.


This three-month extension is a prudent step the parties are taking because of the significantly higher volatility and substantially reduced liquidity in the global financial markets due to the coronavirus pandemic, which has negatively impacted financing global acquisitions. The parties are targeting a closing date closer to the end of May, if feasible, but given the unprecedented market disruptions, Oceanwide and Genworth believe it is prudent to build in a cushion and extend the deadline to no later than June 30, 2020.

全球金融市场动荡引发的财务问题有两种可能?原先计划内的资金无法cash out到位,或者是外管局阶段性限制外汇出境?


2020-04-02 10:24


2020-04-01 22:11

@天人合一二三 @Mason_F @牛市快刀 怎么看?