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Outstanding Ordinary Shares as of
March 31, 2018

Name of Beneficial Owner

Number %

% Shareholders:

Tiger Global(1)

30,204,172 43.7

Expedia, Inc.(2)

9,590,623 13.9

General Atlantic Partners(3)

3,175,223 4.6 

Outstanding Ordinary Shares as of
March 31, 2019

Name of Beneficial Owner

Number %

% Shareholders:

Funds Affiliated with Tiger Global(1)

12,271,960 17.8

Expedia, Inc.(2)

9,590,623 13.9 

Outstanding Ordinary Share

as of March 31, 2020

Name of Beneficial Owner

Number %

% Shareholders:

Funds Affiliated with Tiger Global(1)

9,256,550 13.29

Expedia, Inc.(2)

9,590,623 13.77 

Under the first share repurchase program, the Company purchased 1,525,632 shares at a cost of $20.6 million with a weighted average cost per share of $13.54, for the period ended December 31, 2019 and 1,544,475 shares at a cost of $ 26 million with a weighted average cost per share of $16.84, for the period ended December 31, 2018.

Under the new share repurchase program, the Company purchased 1,938,200 shares at a cost of $21.6 million with a weighted average cost per share of $11.13 for the period ended December 31, 2019.

As of December 31, 2019, $78.4 million remained available for repurchase under the current authorization.


2020-04-25 04:32

On March 6, 2015, Expedia purchased 9,590,623 shares of common stock (the “2015 Expedia Shares”) from our predecessor, Decolar.com, Inc., representing 16.4% of its capital stock, for an aggregate purchase price of $270.0 million. Decolar.com, Inc. used $50.0 million of the proceeds to repay the promissory notes to Tiger Global and its affiliates in full and $45.0 million to repurchase 1,598,434 shares of its common stock from certain stockholders, including key management personnel and entities affiliated with key management personnel.