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$Salesforce(CRM)$ $微软(MSFT)$ $甲骨文(ORCL)$
厲害的人對AI的想像果然高於常人. Marc Andreessen 說以Salesforce為例. Salesforce以後就不需要花大量業務人員去維護資料庫來協助銷售. AI會讀取全部的email, 會議紀錄, 電話.......然後直接分析預測這個客戶下一季會不會購買.

Marc Andreessen (Netscape founder. Publishing “software is eating the world” in 2011) has great imagination for AI.
He took Salesforce for example, it will no longer need to spend time maintaining a structured database. Al is going to get trained on all customer emails, text messages, phone calls, all meeting transcripts,and tell you if this customer is going to buy my product this quarter or not.


2023-03-11 08:23


2023-03-10 06:20
