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1.英國下周核准會議. 比美國還早一週

2.Moderna疫苗效果也很好. 已經向FDA申請緊急使用

3. Pfizer疫苗已經到芝加哥機場了

4. 每一家疫苗效果都很好. 證明難度不高. FDA過的機率太大了. 剩一週不賭太可惜了


"The FDA is scheduled to meet with its Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee on December 10 to review Pfizer's application and on December 17 to review Moderna's application."

"Moderna intends to apply Monday to the US Food and Drug Administration for authorization of its Covid-19 vaccine.

The company will ask the FDA to review an expanded data set showing the vaccine is 94.1% effective at preventing Covid-19 and 100% effective at preventing severe cases of the disease.

"This is striking," said Dr. Paul Offit, a member of the FDA's vaccine advisory committee. "These are amazing data.""


2020-12-01 05:48

補充一下: 12月10號FDA核准通過疫苗使用.  股票如果沒有大漲. 我會賣掉一部分降低風險............但早幾天如果英國核准通過疫苗使用. 股票如果沒有大漲. 就要小心了