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Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed Russian entrepreneurs, a warm welcome to Beijing, China. I'm Gloria Ai, founder of iAsk Media and Capital, and a proud member of YPO. I'm truly honored to share with you my endeavors in China and to offer my support in facilitating your business ventures here.

女士们,先生们,尊敬的俄罗斯企业家们,非常欢迎你们来到中国北京。我是艾诚,iAsk Media and Capital的创始人,也有幸是YPO成员。很荣幸能与大家分享我在中国做的事情,并愿意为你们在中国的商业探索提供支持。

My name is Gloria AI, and you can just call me Miss "A-I". Lately, it seems like everyone is buzzing about AI, which stands for artificial intelligence. However, in Chinese, the word "ai" (爱) also carries the beautiful meaning of "love".

我的名字是Gloria AI,你可以叫我“A-I”小姐。最近,似乎每个人都在谈论人工智能,它代表人工智能。然而,在汉语中,“ai”一词(爱) 也承载着“爱”的美丽含义。

I grew up on an fruit orchard in the hills of Huangshan Mountain, in one of the most beautiful but less developed provinces of China. I stayed in that small town my entire childhood — I didn‘t even see a train until I was 17 years old. But from a very young age, I was curious about the world, about the future, and that curiosity eventually led me far away from my hometown. I went to school at Peking University in Beijing... I interned at the United Nations in New York... I did my Masters at Harvard... and my curiosity led me to my life's work, in media and investment , and led me around the world, beginning as an overseas business commentator and anchorwoman for China Central Television. By the way, I am currently pursuing my Professional Doctorate in Finance at the University of Geneva in Switzerland.


I loved media — in particular I loved interviewing the people that were changing the world, asking questions that would reveal an aspect of their character or their thought-process, understanding what lies behind a true leader. After years of dialogues with global economic leaders, from Christine Lagard to Peter Theil, and over thousands of Chinese business leaders from industries in manufacturing, finance, education and security etc.,I began to realize something very interesting: visionary leaders in the West tended to have big personalities and even bigger public profiles. In the US, for examples, founder’s names are synonymous with the companies and products they build. Think about...Steve Jobs-Apple, Mark Zuckerberg-Facebook,Elon Musk-Tesla....Chinese founders, however, are very different. It always seems to be the companies that go global, not the entrepreneurs. Most of you have probably heard of Huawei, but how many of you have heard of Ren Zhengfei? Most of you have probably heard of TikTok, but how many of you have heard of Zhang YiMing? I call this “The Faceless Rise of Chinese Enterprise”. The humans behind the innovation, the decision-makers behind the investment, are largely left out of the story of China's rise. We believe a better understanding of these humans will inform our understanding of the future: because at the end of the day, it's their character that shapes the enterprises they build, and in turn, these enterprises will shape our lives.That's why I started iAsk Media with the mission of profiling China's most influential innovators and investors in 2014. Now,we've produced near 1000 premium video interviews published over 2500 podcasts and articles, and attracted over 5billion views across a multi-platform media ecosystem.

我热爱媒体——特别是我热爱采访那些正在改变世界的人,提出能揭示他们性格或思维过程某个方面的问题,理解真正领导者背后的秘密。经过多年对话全球经济领袖,从克里斯蒂娜·拉加德到彼得·蒂尔,到制造、金融、教育、安全等领域的中国顶级企业家们等千位嘉宾,我开始意识到一些非常有趣的事情:西方的有远见的领导者往往拥有鲜明的个性和更大的公众形象。在美国,例如,创始人的名字与他们创立的公司和产品同义。史蒂夫·乔布斯-苹果,马克·扎克伯格-Facebook,埃隆·马斯克-特斯拉……然而,中国的创始人却非常不同。似乎总是公司走向全球,而不是企业家。你们大多数人可能听说过华为,但你们中有多少人听说过任正非?你们大多数人可能听说过TikTok,但你们中有多少人听说过张一鸣?我称这为“中国企业的无面崛起”。在创新背后的人,投资背后的决策者,在讲述中国崛起的故事中往往被忽略。我们相信,更好地理解这些人将有助于我们理解未来:因为归根结底,他们的性格将塑造他们所创立企业,而这些企业反过来将塑造我们的生活。这就是为什么我在2014年创立了iAsk Media,使命是为最有影响力的中国创新者和投资者画像。现在,我们已经制作了近1000个高端视频访谈,发布了2500多个播客和文章,并在多平台媒体生态系统中吸引了超过50亿的观看量。

With iAsk Media firmly established, we’ve launched iAsk Capital , to make venture capital investments in media-tech and AI.When we find the right market opportunity + the right talent, we support them with capital as well as with strategic access to our networks and media resources. We've invested in TikTok's parent company—ByteDance,content platforms that are big data-enabled, such as Himalaya , and AI-powered ad-tech and commercial software, such as MovieBook . We've also expanded our reach into the new energy vehicle sector, with investments in Horizon Robotics, a top-tier provider of advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving (AD) solutions for passenger cars, and Roxmotor, Their ROX 01, an electric off-road SUV, is currently available for purchase.

随着iAsk Media的稳固发展,我们成立了iAsk Capital,专注于媒体科技和人工智能领域的风险投资。当我们发现正确的市场机会和正确的人才时,我们不仅提供资金支持,还提供进入我们网络和媒体资源的战略通道。我们投资了TikTok的母公司字节跳动,大数据内容平台,比如喜马拉雅,以及由人工智能驱动的广告技术和商业软件,比如影谱科技。我们还扩大了我们在新能源汽车领域的投资,投资了地平线机器人,这是一家为乘用车提供先进的驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)和自动驾驶(AD)解决方案的顶级供应商,以及极石汽车,他们推出的ROX 01电动越野SUV目前已上市销售。

Nowadays, the world's manufacturing is changing fast, and China's smart factories are at the center. What opportunities are there for Russian businesses looking to invest in China or seek potential partners? If you ask me, my answer would be: There's a group of companies in China known as the "Hidden Champions." They are outstanding representatives of China's intelligent manufacturing and ould be excellent partners for Russian businesses.


In the last two years, hosting the CCTV show "Hidden Champions," I've met with companies that are experts in their fields. These include:

- A machinery company that makes mining vehicle axles

- The top firm in China for electron beam welding.

- A company that wants to be a global leader in instruments.

- A leader in the Beidou navigation industry.

- The first in China to make underwater oil and gas systems.

- A company that specializes in smart drilling technology.

- A firm that makes a key part for self-driving cars.

- A company that develops new types of iron materials.

These people have worked hard in their industries for many years. They are not just looking for quick gains but are dedicated workers. I'm here to invite Russian businesses to partner withthem in China's smart manufacturing industry.


I am Gloria AI. For those interested in exploring media, branding, or communication collaborations within the Chinese market, or if you have an investment opportunity you'd like to discuss, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Thanks.




