


Intrinsic value and inflation

Intrinsic Value and Inflation are such two big topics. I even can write an essay with these two necessary and confusing topics.
What is the meaning of Intrinsic Value?
In finance, the intrinsic value of an asset usually refers ...


當我把所有或大部分的資金放入股市時,人生和心情也隨之股市不受控的變化。$盈富基金(02800)$ 就快回本。但是 $阿里巴巴-SW(09988)$ 損失太多。一時半時恢復不了元氣。 有時自己也堆積了不少怨氣,為什麼不這樣,為什麼沒買入,為什麼沒賣出。何必?這就是我的人生?

How Bad It Can be

Friends in Hong Kong always talk about how bad the Hong Kong Market will be. They think 16000 points are possible, and 14000 points maybe are the bottom of this economic crash. I agree that it is the wrong time for investors and shareholders. Especially those investors who ju...

What should I do for the current situation?

It has been over one and half years that I have written on this blog.
Let me reemphasize that the purpose of this blog is 1. To enhance my English writing skills. 2 To share my investment logic and try to reflect on my investment decision year by year.
My Current sit...

Markets are never wrong, only opinions are

Markets are never wrong, only opinions are!
by Jesse Livermore

The smart movement of HK government: Stamp Duty

First of all, I love comments, whatever those are positive or negative. Please put down your thought and sharing with me. No worries, which language do you use, your thought is the most important elements.
I have been quite occupied in the recent few weeks because I choo...

Crazy time, Crazy stocks

To be honest, I didn't keep my self-improve plan, which read and write every day. In contrast, I have been sluggish during this CNY holiday. There isn't much time left for me.
Today, I decided to turn on my Moments on WeChat, and I hope there will be more people ...

A crazy 0708 (China Evergrande Nw Egy Vhc Grp Ltd)

I love EV companies since a few years ago. Tesla and BYD teach me a lot about the knowledge of the electric vehicle, from design to materials choices, from the power of the engine to the special ingredients of battery technologies. it is a great journey which I passed with ga...


It seems that property is a forever popular topic for the Chinese and Americans. I love properties, it is not because of the function of anti-inflation, it is also a sense of belonging. It is my, and I could be "forever"! I want more properties, but I do not trust the...

Investment! Or what is my way of investments

Definitely, Investment is such a hot topic for most of us, and there are a thousand ways to gain wealth from different industries. I have some very wealthy or rich friends who I see every day, and talk to them every day. we talk about the tools and ways of our investment from...

HK 30000 or 33000 above!

I took a hot shower and try to relax from the busy and anxious day! My silly cat sits down with me and drinks his milk at my table. I love this moment.
The Hong Kong stock market is reaching 30000 points, moreover, many investors expected the whole stock market will exte...

19-01-2021 貪慾 、贪欲


2020-6-17 操作-买沽盘

23257 目前虧損 7.3%
24679 目前虧損 4.2%
24005 目前虧損 6.7%

2020-5-16 今天的操作(外汇篇)

$金融(SZ159940)$ $G10外汇利差策略-PowerShares(DBV)$
1. 买入适量的外汇。目前已经有部分加币及美金为主。准备购入日元及瑞银。
最终的比例应该是 3:4:1.5 :1.5
2. 未来两年重新上学,已经被录取。费用与学习成绩成正比,如果学习成绩好,那就便宜。反之...

2020-04-23 操作(闻到了火药味)

$腾讯控股(00700)$ $阿里巴巴-SW(09988)$ $中芯国际(00981)$
卖出五分之二腾讯 赚8.6%
卖出五分之二阿里巴巴WS 赚5.6%
卖出四分之一中芯国际 损失11.1%
卖出四分之一 大家乐集团 损失20.8%