Ackman: the trade (MBIA) (比尔.阿克曼: 第二章 力挽狂澜)

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第二章  MBIA
(本文并非是某本书的翻译,是我与@王家没大院 合作关于Ackman的一些背景介绍,其中夹杂了很多金融专业词汇,我们发布时采用中英文对照是为了方便不同阅读习惯的读者)


债权人不会特别在意公司的什么远大理想,巨大空间,协同效应,他们关心的就是借出去的钱能不能按时回到手上。绝大多数并购,债权人一般是不会开心的,放在账面上的现金显然比买回来的what ever更能保证公司按时付息。所以这次判决偏向了债权人(在这里是债权人的远房亲戚:优先股持有人)的诉求:再不懂金融的人也知道,不能让银行用我的账户存款去捐慈善,特别是借我的钱 :真要是把钱给了高尔夫球场,亏损只是时间的问题。Ackman的合并企图落空之后(后文有细节),他知道基金完蛋开始正式倒计时,所以这个时候为了力挽狂澜他做了件惊天动地的事情,让自己一举成了名。



有空的话大家应该认真读读,写得非常精彩,某些思路可以很好地应用到08年的金融危机。Ackman在文章里详细介绍了他的DD工作。他的交易完全对路,可惜早了6年 。如果我们的视角更往后,今时今日的2016年,MBIA的评级已经是惊人的B了,金融危机之后迅速下滑到今天就没有再缓过来。给大家留一个课外阅读,如果真的对这个公司感兴趣可以看看他们在波多黎各的“惊人表现”。现在我们谈到这个名字一般都指代stressed credit(就是比快破产的公司多个两口气),他们的股票更是已经没人关心了。


全名是Municipal Bond Insurance Association,干的事情就是。。。厄,我们看到的一样。他们为市政债券提供担保,收取手续费。如果债券平安无事,那么这个公司就白拿了利润,如果债券违约,这个公司就要掏腰包理赔。一般来说市政债券的违约率很低,看起来这是个不错的生意。今天我们知道这显然是不对的,不怎么违约不代表不违约,只见过白天鹅不是说不存在黑天鹅。但是在当时所有人看到的都是市政债券基本不违约,甚至金融危机的时候也不怎么违约,这些市政机构总是能迅速找到一些钱。





第一轮次的操作并不是很成功,因为这场较量实在是体量上不对等。今天我们看到的Ackman 一呼百应。当年他只是无数干得还不错的年轻人之一,MBIA反观则是脚踩政商两界的巨无霸,华尔街上有背书、华盛顿里有支持。再加上当年市场觉得对冲基金大谈特谈自己的投资并且明摆着做空很是反感。今天,这种策略已经相当成熟,造假的公司或者玩花招的公司会被这种做空的投机者扒得连袜子都不剩。(中概股只是我们听得多而已,美国上市公司被这么做空的更多)


1) 公司拥有的CDO产品浮亏很大,Dealer给的市场交易消息和公司披露的有很大差别,而MBIA一直以信息透明著称;
2) 报表外的SPV导致实际杠杆率太高,净资本安全边际不够;
3) 不公平的发行制度;
4) 组合风险并没有有效控制,分散投资的作用被夸大了。 Ackman认为资产之间违约概率相关性比MBIA宣称的要大。



2002年的时候,没人相信这些话,但是仅仅用了不到十年,所有Ackman提到的观点就都进了教科书。当时市场的确对这篇报告有些小小的反映:价格下跌4%。不知道这个市场到底是理性还是非理性:前几月Andrew Left那篇让Valeant大跳水拉开序幕的报告,和Ackman的这一篇相比,简直就是小学生的家庭作业水平。

Ackman两板斧并没抽到什么利润,按照金融圈今天或者小朋友们的理解,双方攻防之后一边吃完了把嘴边的油擦净,另一边愿赌服输就好了。可惜, MBIA不打算这么佛心,台面上不可能一个巨型上市公司来搞一个小基金。于是据说是他们耍了阴谋,一波把Gotham送回了老家,断了Ackman生路。当然做空MBIA属于砸别人饭碗,没砸成就得做好被反杀的觉悟







第三,就像他处理掉一部分Modelez 补充Valeant资金一样,当时他不得不考虑Gotham的问题。Gotham但凡让他能够喘口气,坚持坚持的话,市场也许会继续发酵,更多的人会最终认同他的逻辑。可是一切都是流动性,投资人的压力、业绩的压力和基金的条款让他无法抽出更多资金坚持做空MBIA的头寸。在Pershing时代,Ackman充分吸取了教训:一是手里一定要有钱、二是把第一条写在条款里

在Pershing Square时代,他终于证明了自己,依然做空MBIA。也许这样的交易或者投机才是他真正能够大显身手的地方:发现机会并动用一切手段让形式朝着自己所认可的结局发展。他只需要变得更强、子弹更多、比别人更快,当然他也需要一个切入点,再向世人展示他天才般的投资嗅觉。

下一章:股东积极主义的演变 (How Activism became mainstream)
对了,想起来了,Zoolander那个二逼电影。BLUE STEEL! MAGNUM!(网页链接),大伙看看这个图片就知道Ackman确实有网红潜质,完全无内涵instagram小青年流,照片实在看不出是资本大鳄。当然,这满脸的美金,对他妹子来说还是值了。

@今日话题 @方舟88 @不明真相的群众 @梁剑 @陈达美股投资 @TigerinMotion @Ricky $凡利亚药品国际(VRX)$      

在周五三月就业报告之前, 顺便鄙人推下之前写的二月求职报告,观点在今天耶伦的演讲里都得到重复:网页链接

Chapter 2 MBIA

What made him special? Guys recall the recent fight with Herbalife, conundrum in Valeant, but Ackman made his name with a company called $MBIA(MBI)$      . I believe most readers won't know it, and I didn‘t until I heard stories from our older guys. It was 2002, Ackman&#     39;s fund was in big big trouble with its golf course investments (private company), he got bigger as the investment turns sour. He was a brilliant guy, but experience had to come with time. Gotham structured a merger between the golf course company and a REIT they controlled. The REIT was making money and had tons of liquidity, but creditors were in the way. 

A little crash course, most of the time a company does an acquisition, it is a negative for the credit / bondholders. You are using your cash flow to fund the purchase instead of leaving it on the balance sheet or pay down debt. So this time, judge granted wish of the creditor, and in this case, preferred holders because saving your dying Mom by getting heart transplant from Dad does not even make much sense to Dad&# 39;s distant cousin (preferred holders). In hindsight, it is a money losing cause even it goes through, just a matter of time. 

Hedge fund is always talking their books, especially at that time. No regulation, guys build huge position knowing private information and the industry are perceived as secretive at best. After Ackman&#     39;s wish was denied, they knew their days were counted. So at this point, Ackman put out the piece that made him famous (in my view)

"Is MBIA Triple A?&#     34; Here is the link: 网页链接

A great read it if you got time, and you will see how detailed Ackman is in his diligence process. The learnings could totally apply to the crisis that happened 6 years later. Fast forward 15 years, in 2016, MBIA is rated single B, so hell no, it wasn't AAA. The company got downgraded at the height of financial crisis and never recovered. A bit extra on MBIA. If you are interested, you can look up all the crap going on with $MBIA(MBI)$       and whole Puerto Rico saga. Nowadays, we often talk about this name as a stressed credit and the equity is irrelevant. 

So what is MBIA? 

To give a magnitude of how big MBIA was, it was a top 10 financial institution at the time, just behind the infamous Fannie and Freddie at the time. S&P 500 company of course and top 100 in terms of market cap.

Its full name is Municipal Bond Insurance Association, and it started out doing exactly what the names suggests. They provide insurance to municipal bonds issued by municipalities. At the old times, it was a business model that is set up to collect insurance premium by guaranteeing the bonds, and if those bonds default, MBIA puts up the loss (accrued interest + pincipal) with the assumption that those bonds barely default. And like any insurance company, they invest the proceeds for return. 

They have one thing that gives them the license to virtually guarantee any fixed income instruments in the world: their AAA ratings from all three agencies. Given the flow of issuance, you know there is a conflict of interest here between the consitutencies. Rating agencies get paid by the issuer to give them ratings, so that goes the trick. It was a bit similar to Chinese corporate debt until recently, government figure out a way to keep it afloat and not get their face all torn in pieces. 

Over the time, MBIA started to venture into new financial innovation from ABS of various kinds to eventually CDO. Ackman has previously shorted the company through CDS (also new instrument in early 2000s) and has publicly talked about the hidden mark to market losses and dangerous equity cushion MBIA had. 
He was unsuccessful however, because believe it or not, Ackman vs MBIA at the time was a complete mismatch. You would think Ackman in 2016 is the heavyweight, at the time, he was in the fairweather class at best as MBIA was considered a prestigious institution by Wall St and Main St (government). Plus, activists were viewed as gimmicks from hedgies to talk their books and were not respected at all. Things have certainly changed in 15 years. 

Here goes a game that is played by both sides, besides Ackman doesn&#     39;t really have that much game at that time. He had gone around the Wall Street to tell his story and wasn't successful. Rating agencies openly bashed him. His investors, at this troublesome time, also feared Ackman&#     39;s bold actions would hurt their investments even more, thus wanting out. 

Ackman knows he is by himself, throwing up the heroics and put out the 66 pager. To sum up, he points to
1) Huge mark to market losses in CDOs, which company has been covering given its poor transparency
2) High leverage and dangerous equity cushion with its numerous SPV
3) Uneven underwriting standard
4) And lastly diversification of risk was excerggerated, and correlation was higher than it seems

This is in 2002. Nobody beleived it, and 10 years, those conclusion are in the textbooks. Interesting fact, MBIA  went down just 4% that day after Ackman put out his report. How much was Valeant down after Andrew Left's half-ass report? 

Wall Street defended that piece, even guys who sold Ackman CDS. (Some trivia here: the guy who sold CDS to Ackman was a salesperson at Lehman and someone now I work with day to day and always look up to. ) Why? They make so much money making ABS and CDOs. Ratings agency reiterated AAA ratings in the same day just because MBIA pays their bill. 

MBIA then did their part, a bit conspriracy theory, but they just destroyed Ackman and took down Gotham with it. 

Days before that heoric piece, Ackman was in the court trying to put through the merger that would be key to Gotham&#     39;s survival. Things were going well until a prestigious New York lawyer showed up in the court. Rumor has it that MBIA was behind it as the guy had represented the company in many occasions. The judge somehow delayed the hearing, which ultimately turned against Gotham. 

MBIA, through its subsidiary, sold CDS on the open market. Hard to imagine some company does this, but there was no regulation. Ackman's trade got crushed. 

Talked to a former Lehman sales person, MBIA did a conference and asked the question, should hedge fund be able to take a position and then bash the firm to profit? I will leave it to you people of 2016, but it was a new norm or a no no then. 

And at the end, Ackman ran out of time. He and his partner wind down the funds, and what was left was those empty golf courses. 

Why Ackman&#     39;s trade was not successful? 

Several issues. One being the CDS, at early 2000s, was just invented and very new, and the liquidity at the time just started to pick up, so wasn't great. It was still very much a OTC product, but at least street are now actively making markets. In early 2000s, if there is little flow in the single name, it would be virtually impossible to find two-sided markets for this type of name. Lehman was the main one because of its dominance in fixed income early on. 

Second, at the time, he put out this piece and dropped the bomb. It is a long shot to see company actually default, but did shake a lot of people in the weeks after. You see that dip in the price, but not as big as Ackman had hoped. There was no catalyst in the near term to expose the problem, and economic cycle was at mid stage of the boom. Inflation started to pick up and new president (GW Bush) had put in his tax cuts. Everybody starts to issue more and more and MBIA is key part of the chain. 

Three, much like he liquidated Mondelez stake now to raise for Valeant, he had to liquidate and raise money at the time, not to make up the other investment, but for redemptions. He simply didn&#     39;t hold those favorable clauses at that time, and when he founded Pershing, that's one of things he has asked from investors - the ability to lock in enough funds to keep it afloat. 

His heorics didn&#     39;t end up being successful. It might be the right trade, but it was some 6 years too early, and the integrity of the trade was tarnished by his fund’s situation. 

He was ultimately proven right, and I believe it was one of best trades for Pershing Square. But really an exceptional piece, and shows his brilliance. That piece, in my view, may have made him come to conclusion of his true color, an activist who does whatever it takes to push for changes. He just needs to get bigger, stronger and faster. Also, he needed a breakthrough and a major project. 

Preview: Chapter 3 The transformation of activism

A little TMZ talk at this chapter end, everytime I saw him in the picture, he does the same pose with same smile. Never changed, it is like those Chinese web girl sensation, they really look the same, THE SAME!! Enough for the rage. Wait, one more, BLUE STEEL! MAGNUM! It's so hard to be so ridiculously good looking. Well, he looks good, that probably worth that 1 mill for that gal.


2017-05-24 03:29


2017-02-14 11:08


2017-02-14 11:06

我刚打赏了这篇帖子 ¥6,也推荐给你。

2016-04-12 13:04


2016-04-10 04:37

写得太好了! 强烈希望写下去 前两篇已经读两遍了

2016-04-05 00:00

Ackman 2

2016-04-01 11:09


2016-03-30 18:13


2016-03-30 16:05


2016-03-30 14:21

赞 谢谢