More content / GAN HUO ahead! Shooting for weekly

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My stuff will be more market-based, which is where I work. I obviously have more exclusive info that is not private, but not accessible. Several things I would emphasize is

1) Asset class, 
Diversification is important, cant say that enough. what I will do here is to introduce some asset classes, including ones I worked in, so first hand experience. An example like what you want to own some treasury? high yield bonds? munis? international small cap? 3000 feet view, and after introduction, give updates every week or every now and then about how its doing, so get ppl started on those. Will have view on pockets of the markets, but cant give recommendation for single issuance. 

2) Stocks
Stocks remains the most liquid vehicle to express views for retail investors. Though your size is tiny compared to funds and you wont have access to a lot of things, you do have some distinctive advtanages.
A. For bigger guys, you aint working for nobody. That means you dont have to sell when market panic and fund managers need liquidity. The advantage here is you can recognize good company and good assets and have time horitzon. 
B. For smaller guys, You are more nimble because of your size. Something like $凡利亚药品国际(VRX)$  $CHESAPEAKE ENERGY CORP(CHK*)$  $Whiting Petroleum(WLL)$  All those opp can exist in after market hrs, where bigger funds cant get in at all with meaningful size. 

What I am going to do is discuss the hot topics of the world of that week. This week would be banks, $摩根大通(JPM)$  $美国银行(BAC)$  $高盛(GS)$  of the world and then retail, where I see a lot of opp at this point $彭尼(JCP)$  $Party City Holdco Inc.(PRTY)$  $ASCENA RETAIL GROUP INC(ASNA)$  $梅西百货(M)$  

3) Macro
To be honest, this may be the weakest link. I will touch on commodities, rates, but here hopefully ppl would have more discussion. A lot of stuff here, will single out what I think is helpful for thinking about the landscape. Obviously we will talk about China, and whats special about it is I will take the wall street view, which I am soaked in, versus my view and compared to views in China. The truth, as you know, is always somewhere in the middle. So would be fun for a discussion.  

4) Alternatives
Thats one of my personal interest. Hedge funds, private equity, real estate and etc. Sitting in the big apple, lucky to surrounded by all those resources. It may be the most interesting to read. Real estate, commerical and residential, I will talk about those and relate to macro, housing data, do some interesting charts. 

5) Whatever is interesting that week
It would be something that could aspire me and you. Something that serve as for guiding purposes. This weekend would be Berkshire shareholder meeting. Everybody want to be like Buffett, like everybody want to be like Mike in basketball.

We are all on this journey, so obviously I am learning and having fun. Hope we learn from each other here, and we all headed to somewhere more exciting and open up more opportunities. Again the market has given me so much, a means of living, a life-time interest that fueled my passion and life lessons that makes me a better person.


2016-03-18 08:29