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关于Perceptive的一篇报道,有兴趣的可以看看。从99年的$6 million发展到现在的$4.1 billion,实在太牛了。网页链接 文章中的这段话比较有意思:“Perceptive has put certain controls in place to mitigate the day-to-day volatility in the biotech sector. It has a maximum daily loss allowance of 5 percent on long and short positions, a mechanism that prevents the portfolio from getting crushed if a stock faces a bruising one-day loss for any reason, such as a drug trial failure.” 感觉不像真的。 $神经分泌生物科学(NBIX)$ $全球血液疗法(GBT)$ $Zogenix, Inc. (ZGNX)$ 


2018-08-17 00:28


2018-08-16 23:25

确实不像真的: 5%daily stop loss, 对波动大的生药股来说不存在吧.尤其是从6米到41亿的暴涨,除非他有金手指.