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Federal Reserve System contral banking system of the United States, popularly called the Fed, is a central bank that serves as the banker to both the banking community and the government, it also issues the national currency, conduct monetary policy, and play a major role in supervision and regulation of bank and bank holding companies. In the U.S.these Governors located in Washington, D.C., and the top officers of the 12 district Federal Reserve bank, located through the nation. The Fed’s nations, described below, generally have a significant effect on the U.S.interest rates and, subsequently, on stock, bond, and other financial markets.
The Federal Reserve’s basic power are concentrate in the board of governor, which is paramount(极为重要) in all policy issues concerning bank regulation and supervision and in most aspect of monetary control. The board enunciate(阐明) the Fed’s policies on both monetary and banking matters. Because the board is not an operating agency, most of the day-to-day implementation of policy decisions is left to the district Federal Reserve banks. The Board of governors and the heads of the Reserve banks orient their policies to the public interest rather than to the benefit of the private banking system.
The U.S.banking system’s regulatory apparatus is complex; the authority of the Federal Reserve is shared in some instances, for example, in mergers or the examination of banks with other federal agencies such as the Controller of the Currency(OCC) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Cooperation(FDIC), in the critical area of regulating the nation’s money supply in accordance with national


2022-10-12 01:26
