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马斯克说:“如果你还不清贷款,你就得背 20% 的利息,再好能好到哪里去。” 这对汽车行业来说可不是什么好消息。

这位特斯拉首席执行官表示: “我可能显得有点偏执,我很抱歉,因为这可能也是事实,因为我从2009年开始就患有创伤后应激障碍。” 他分享了在那绝境中的一年、最后一刻的融资才让公司勉强过关,“勉勉强强地”度过了那一关。


“A lot of - a large number of people are living paycheck-to-paycheck,” Musk said on the earnings call. “And with a lot of debt. They’ve got credit card debt, mortgage debt. So, yes, that’s reality for most people.”

“I am worried about the high interest rate environment that we’re in. I just can’t emphasize this enough, that the vast majority of people buying a car is about the monthly payment. And as interest rates rise, the proportion of that monthly payment that is interest increases naturally.”

“If interest rates remain high or if they go even higher, it’s that much harder for people to buy the car,” said Musk. He also expressed concern about the availability of credit for consumers in light of the bank failures this year. “A lot of regional banks died, and I mean, even Credit Suisse, I mean, geez, that was a shocker.”

Credit card interest rate are “usurious” and “punishing”

“That’s mind-blowing. And I think there’s still quite a few shoes to drop on the bad credit situation,” Musk extrapolated. “I mean, commercial real estate obviously is in terrible shape. Credit card debt has been rising significantly.”

On the last point he called credit card interest rates “usurious” and said that over time such high interest rates become “obviously extremely punishing” and could mean that those racking up credit card debt might not be able to pay them off.

“You can’t pay them off and you’re still accruing interest of 20%, you’re at best headed to a bad place,” said Musk. All this could spell bad news for the car industry as well.

“I apologize if I’m perhaps more paranoid than I should be because that might also be the case because I am - I have PTSD from 2009 big time,” said the Tesla CEO. He shared how last minute financing kept the company going through that perilous year but “barely.”

“We’re not going to sink. But even a great ship in a storm has challenges,” added Musk. “Now, that storm will apply to everyone, not just us and not just the auto industry. It will apply to everyone, I think.”
