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$小米集团-W(01810)$ 兄弟们 我不是米黑 但也不算米粉 之前炒小米赚过小钱 现在也很关注su7. 无意见打开英文财报 这校对英文的人要么水平不行 要么工资没给够,读着别扭。你在财报里写高端化 可是你连premiumization这个词用的都不恰当,还特么怎么高端。而且大规模促销是高端化策略最害怕的,你q4在新兴市场降价清库存,导致全球asp都跟着降 这算哪门子高端啊


03-21 15:55

我觉得premiumization 这个很合适啊能理解为高端化,不然你觉得用哪个词更合适?

$小米集团-W(01810)$ Premiumization用法没问题。GPT给出的定义:
Premiumization refers to a business strategy or market trend where companies introduce higher-quality products or versions of products with enhanced features, better materials, improved craftsmanship, or exclusive content that justify a higher price point. This approach targets consumers who are willing to pay more for perceived superiority in quality, luxury, or exclusivity.
Premiumization can be seen across various industries, including food and beverage, consumer electronics, fashion, and automotive. For example, a coffee brand might offer "gourmet" or "single-origin" beans at a higher price compared to its standard blends. Similarly, a smartphone manufacturer might release a premium version of a phone with advanced features that are absent from the base model.
The goal is to increase profit margins and brand perception by attracting consumers who associate higher prices with higher value, as well as to differentiate a company's products from competitors in a crowded market. Premiumization often relies on marketing and branding efforts to communicate the added value to consumers and to create a sense of exclusivity or status around the product or service.