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Nevera has completed all crash tests. After 45 crash-tests and 9 complete cars destroyed in the process (and many many parts), we’ve made it – Nevera is the first US & EU certified electric hypercar!
All EU destructive, static and dynamic tests are completed – so the EU homologation is completely done. We have a few more static and sled-tests for US which should be done during the next couple of months, but those are not critical (stuff like window anti-pinch tests).
So – EU cars are ready to be shipped to customers and US cars will be so very soon. We have customer cars on our brand-new production line (in a brand-new production facility) which we’ll show to you in the coming weeks as well.
We can’t wait for the first cars to arrive to the customers around the world!
Nevera 已完成所有碰撞测试。 经过 45 次碰撞测试和 9 辆在此过程中被毁坏的整车(以及许多许多零件),我们成功了——Nevera 是第一款通过美国和欧盟认证的电动超级跑车!
因此,欧盟汽车已准备好向客户发货,而美国汽车也将很快发货。 我们全新的生产线(在全新的生产设施中)有客户汽车,我们也将在未来几周内向您展示。


2022-02-18 11:03


2022-02-18 00:18


2022-02-17 23:49


2022-02-17 23:19
