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公司又弄了一款针对类风湿关节炎育苗的新药 已经募集到基金准备进入phase 1,药的名字非常高大上:CEL-4000,容易让人联想“要你命3000” [滴汗]
CEL-SCI Announces New Data for Its Rheumatoid Arthritis Vaccine Candidate
Published in Peer Reviewed Journal

CEL-4000 therapeutic vaccine limits arthritis progression and demonstrates
shift from a pro-inflammatory to an anti-inflammatory environment in
established animal models of RA

CEL-SCI Corporation (NYSE MKT: CVM) announces the publication of data from
rheumatoid arthritis (RA) studies in Vaccine, a leading peer-reviewed journal
for researchers interested in vaccines and vaccination. The paper titled “An
epitope-specific DerG-PG70 LEAPS vaccine modulates T cell responses and
suppresses arthritis progression in two related murine models of rheumatoid
arthritis” and is available at

As described in the article, investigators from Rush University Medical Center
evaluated CEL-SCI’s CEL-4000 rheumatoid arthritis vaccine candidate in 2
animal models that resemble the RA disease process in humans better than other
animal models. The CEL-4000 (DerG-PG70 LEAPS) treatment vaccine was given to
these animals after the onset of RA symptoms.

CEL-4000 inhibited disease progression and demonstrated a shift from a
pro-inflammatory to an anti-inflammatory environment, as indicated by
significant decreases in both RA visual scores and histopathological changes
in animals receiving CEL-4000 treatment vaccine. The authors concluded that
CEL-4000 exerts its therapeutic effect by interacting with CD4+ cells, which
results in an antigen-specific down-modulation of pathogenic CD4+ cell
responses through up modulation of CD4+ FoxP3+ Treg cells. Although the
precise causes of RA are not known, the disease is thought to be maintained in
animals and humans by pro-inflammatory immune responses. The activation of the
CD4+ FoxP3+ Tregs (immune regulatory T cells) is therefore believed to be
important in the down regulation of the pro-inflammatory processes that
otherwise drive this disease.

Dr. Zimmerman, CEL-SCI’s Senior Vice President of Research, Cellular
Immunology and the inventor of the technology underlying CEL-4000, stated,
“Current treatments for RA focus on the alleviation of symptoms and delaying
disease progression. Our vaccination approach attempts to treat RA by
impacting the pro-inflammatory immune response so that the body’s joints are
no longer attacked by it.”

“Based on these data and results from prior studies, we believe CEL-4000
could be a potentially valuable asset in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
and it could be positioned as a first-line treatment to inhibit disease
progression in newly diagnosed patients. We are pleased to advance the
development of CEL-4000 through the support of the National Institutes of
Health and look forward to advancing it into clinical trials in the future,”
CEL-SCI CEO Geert Kersten added.

This study was supported in part by funding of a Phase I Small Business
Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the National Institute of Arthritis
Muscoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), a part of the National Institutes of
Health (NIH). The study was conducted in collaboration with Drs. Katalin
Mikecz and Tibor Glant, and their research team at Rush University Medical
Center in Chicago, Illinois.


2017-06-09 06:07


2017-06-08 22:23
