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$Lending Club(LC)$ FTC是不是也看LC不爽呀?这些事情很严重吗?不可能所有申请的贷款都被批准的呀。没有隐含费用就一定不能收取手续费什么的吗?有没有人用过LC呀,解释一下。打官司LC能够赢吗?

Defendant lures prospective borrowers by promising “no hidden fees,” but when the loan funds arrive in consumers’ bank accounts, they are hundreds or even thousands of dollars short of expectations due to a hidden up-front fee that Defendant deducts from consumers’ loan proceeds. Defendant is persisting in this conduct despite warnings from its own compliance department that Defendant’s concealment of the up-front fee is “likely to mislead the consumer.”

Defendant also has misled consumers about whether their loan applications have been approved, stringing consumers along by, for example, telling consumers, “Hooray! Investors Have Backed Your Loan” when Defendant knew many such consumers would never receive a loan. Based on these misrepresentations, consumers believed that Defendant’s funds were forthcoming, and did not apply for credit with Defendant’s competitors. And with numerous consumers who have received a loan, Defendant has withdrawn double payments from consumers’ accounts and continued to charge consumers who cancelled automatic payments or even paid off their loans entirely, costing consumers overdraft fees and preventing them from making other payments.


2018-04-26 03:03

FTC出手基本是有充足证据和理由,基本无解。最后会是和解协议,缴纳和解金,再对某些违规业务整改。单是法务上的罚款不会动摇核心业务营收能力,但如果要整改,这个不确定性阴影就大了。p2p 龙头接二连三惹官司,还会不会引起监管部门的后续修法也是个疑问。这样一来,lc就难杠了。