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$罗氏控股(RHHBY)$ TIGIT——

In terms of the SKYSCRAPER-01 data in non-small cell lung cancer with tiragolumab, that I think the team is still considering what the best timing is for release of the data, as you can appreciate, because it’s an ongoing study with an OS component. And it’s also a competitively sensitive field. I think there’s just kind of multiple complexities there. So, we don’t have a fixed date at this point for a presentation on that.


Now, we’ll see how it plays out. And in case that overall survival is positive, I think we can still salvage a lot of value of tiragolumab. And the reason is simple, because at the end of the day, of course, overall survival will always beat progression-free survival. I mean progression-free survival at the end of the day is a surrogate biomarker. What really counts is, do you live longer? It’s more important if you have both endpoints, then is the tumor growing and at what time is it growing again. I mean, this -- I mean, as a patient, you don’t care. What you care about is how long you live and at what quality of life you live. And we will have those data next year.


And then I would just say on tiragolumab, as Severin said, the OS, that’s a big part of it. That’s why we put most of the alpha on OS. And I think there’s more than 10 cancer immunotherapy studies so far that missed on PFS and hit on OS, which is why we use co-primary endpoints and why we put most of the alpha on the OS, because at the end of the day, that’s the one that counts. So, I think -- I don’t know if the message has been received in a mixed way. But I think, yes, we have reasonable confidence that we’ll have a positive outcome on OS. And we won’t know for sure until we get it. But until then, we’re -- yes, we’re still optimistic about tiragolumab.