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①2016年12月 卵巢癌 Approved(三线及以上,BRCAm);获批是基于一项Ⅰ/Ⅱ期研究数据。后续进行ARIEL4 Ⅲ期验证性研究;

②2018年4月 卵巢癌(二线维持)Approved,regardless of BRCA status;

③BRCAm mCRPC三线获批;



TRITON3 III期临床(mCRPC二线,招募患者条件同PROfound III),top-line data are now expected in the third quarter of 2022;


在欧洲,第一个适应症有些问题现在,但是管理层强调这个适应症占比营收不大,并且ARIEL4的最终OS结果,铂类敏感亚群的OS HR 1.07,与奥拉帕利在SOLO3中的HR 1.07完全一致。



$恒瑞医药(SH600276)$ $再鼎医药(ZLAB)$ 



In a public setting, Clovis CEO Patrick Mahaffy touted a win on progression-free survival as a frontline maintenance therapy for ovarian cancer. That would be the basis of an sNDA at the FDA — setting up a potential near-term advance for the biotech, which has suffered along with the number 3 PARP on the market.

The problem is the FDA isn’t being won over on PFS data, according to Clovis. They want mature OS data — and we find that the agency specified at least 50% mature OS data — which Clovis estimates won’t be available for another 2 years, “and if we do choose to submit prior to that, we should expect the FDA to require a discussion at an ODAC meeting in connection with its review of such sNDA submission.”
“This recommendation by the FDA was also influenced by their interpretation of the ARIEL4 survival data,” says Clovis.
