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$再生元制药(REGN)$ $罗氏控股(RHHBY)$ 

Yes. I'll let Marion get into the details. But we don't see faricimab as a transformative therapy of any kind, notwithstanding any label. It's very hard to see when you look at it dispassionately any scientific evidence for the contribution of Ang2 blockade.

People forget, nobody has a greater interest and would love to see Ang2 blockade being a value given that George and his colleagues were the ones who discovered and cloned Ang2, the first in the world on that. But there's really no evidence that we can see where you've separated that out.

So what we're seeing here is a higher dose of faricimab relative to Lucentis and possibly on a moral basis relative to EYLEA. We remind everybody that there are a lot of lessons learned here. One of the biggest lessons is efficacy is super important, but well beyond that is safety. And nothing right now contract the, I don't know, almost 50 million injections that have been given worldwide with EYLEA.

So we feel pretty good. The competition is always good. Obviously, competition is going to eat into a product. We suspect that faricimab may take a lot of the -- of its share initially from Lucentis, but we'll see.

Marion might want to elaborate.