巴菲特解释如何估值企业从0到1 - 1994伯克希尔股东大会 中英文翻译

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Warren: Well, you know, we in the 1992 annual report, we discussed that a firm out, but

The economic value of any asset Essentially is the present value, the appropriate interest rate of all the future streams of cash going in or out of the business.


And there are all kinds of businesses that Charlie and I don’t think we have the faintest idea what that future stream will look like, and if we don’t have the faintest idea what the future stream is going to look like, we don’t have the faintest idea of what it’s worth now.


So if you think you know what the price of a stock should be today, but you don’t think you have any idea what the stream of cash will be Over the next twenty years, you’ve got cognitive dissonance, I guess, is what they call it.


So we are looking for things where we feel fairly high degree of probability that we can come within a range of looking at those numbers out over a period of time. And then we discount them back.


And we are more concerned with the certainty of those numbers than we are with getting the one that looks absolutely the cheapest, but based upon numbers, but we don’t have great confidence in, and that’s basically what economic value is all about.

任何会计报告中的数字本身并不代表经济价值。它们只是一种指导,告诉你如何了解经济价值。 但它们并不能给你任何答案。

The numbers in any accounting report mean nothing per se as the economic value. They are guidelines to tell you something about how to get at economic.

But they don’t tell you anything.


There are no answers in the financial statements, there are guidelines to enable you to Figure out the answer, you have to understand something about business, you don’t have to understand a lot about mathematics. I mean, the map is not complicated.


But you do have to understand something about the business, but that’s the same thing you would do if you’re going to buy an apartment house or a farm or any other small business you might be interested in, you would try to figure out what you were laying out currently.


And what you are likely to get back over time, and how certain you felt about getting it and how it compared to other alternatives. That’s all we do, we just do it with large businesses basically.


The account figures are very hopeful to use in the sense that they generally guide us to what we should be thinking about.


And of course, if we find numbers where it looks like people are taking the most optimistic interpretation of things that they can under Gap and all of that. We get very worried about people who look like they massage the numbers in any way.


And there are plenty of people that do.


Zone 3


I’m Howard Bascom from Kansas City, when you are estimating a growth rate on a company, I’m at of a very predictable company, I imagine you apply a big margin of safety to it.


What kind of rate do you generally apply, I mean, high single digits


Warren:  in the margin of safety or…?


Q:What kind of growth rate would you on a predictable company might you…


Warren: We’re willing to buy company not a growth --.


Q: Okay.


Warren: But …, assuming we get enough for our money when we, when we do it, so it…

We’re looking at jacking numbers out as to what kind of cash we think will get back over time.


But you know, would you rather have a savings if you’re going to put a million dollars in a savings account?


Would you rather have something that paid you 10% a year and never change,

Or would you rather have something that paid you 2% a year and increased at 10% a year.


You can, you can work out the math to answer those questions, but you could certainly have a situation where there’s absolutely no growth in a business, and It’s a much better investment than some company that’s going to grow at very substantial rates.


Particularly if they’re going to need capital in order to grow.


There’s a huge difference In the business that grows and requires a lot of capital to do so. In the business that grows and doesn’t require capital.


And I would say that generally, financial analysts do not give adequate weight to the difference in those. In fact, It’s amazing how little attention is paid to that. Believe me if you’re investing, you should pay a lot of attention to it, Charlie.


Charlie: I agree with that, but it’s fairly simple, but it’s not so simple, it can all be explained in one sentence.


Warren: Our some of our best businesses, that we own outright, don’t grow, but they, they throw off lots of money which we can use to buy something else. And therefore our capital is growing without physical growth being in the business.


And we are much better off being in that kind of a situation, being in that some business that itself is growing, but it takes up all the money in order to grow and doesn’t produce high returns.


As we go along, a lot of managements don’t understand that very well, actually,


Zone 1.