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LLAMA3 8B 版在本地给出的答案已经相当不错了!世界历史上的十大哲学家,你认识几位?不过没有维神,有点遗憾!
Here are 10 famous philosophers:
1. **Socrates** (469/470 BCE - 399 BCE): A Greek philosopher who is widely regarded as one of the founders of Western philosophy.
2. **Plato** (428/427 BCE - 348/347 BCE): A Greek philosopher who was a student of Socrates and founded the Academy in Athens, one of the earliest institutions of higher learning in the Western world.
3. **Aristotle** (384 BCE - 322 BCE): A Greek philosopher and scientist who made significant contributions to many fields, including philosophy, science, and ethics.
4. **Immanuel Kant** (1724-1804): A German philosopher who is considered one of the most important figures in the history of philosophy, and is known for his critiques of metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics.
5. **Jean-Paul Sartre** (1905-1980): A French philosopher who was a key figure in the development of existentialism and phenomenology.
6. **Martin Heidegger** (1889-1976): A German philosopher who is known for his concept of "Being" and his critique of modern technology.
7. **John Locke** (1632-1704): An English philosopher who is considered one of the most influential figures in the development of modern philosophy, and is known for his empiricist theory of knowledge.
8. **René Descartes** (1596-1650): A French philosopher and mathematician who is known for his philosophical method of doubt, which led to the development of modern Western philosophy.
9. **Friedrich Nietzsche** (1844-1900): A German philosopher who is known for his ideas on the "will to power" and the death of God, and is considered one of the most influential philosophers of all time.
10. **Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel** (1770-1831): A German philosopher who is known for his Absolute Idealism and his concept of the dialectical process.
Note: The dates listed are approximate and refer to the birth and death years of each philosopher.