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据报道,苹果正在研发一款名为“Ajax”的自研生成式人工智能模型。该模型旨在与OpenAI的GPT-3和GPT-4等技术竞争,其基于2000亿参数运行,表明在语言理解和生成方面具有高度复杂性和能力。内部称为“Apple GPT”的Ajax目标是统一苹果内部的机器学习开发工作,这表明苹果有一个更广泛的策略,即更深入地将人工智能整合到其生态系统中。
Apple is reportedly developing its own generative AI model called "Ajax". Designed to rival the likes of OpenAI's GPT-3 and GPT-4, Ajax operates on 200 billion parameters, suggesting a high level of complexity and capability in language understanding and generation. Internally known as "Apple GPT," Ajax aims to unify machine learning development across Apple, suggesting a broader strategy to integrate AI more deeply into Apple's ecosystem.