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$因特姆尔制药(ITMN)$ By Nate Raymond

June 7 | Fri Jun 7, 2013 2:07pm EDT

June 7 (Reuters) - A former executive of InterMune Inc has agreed to pay $616,000 to settle claims by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that he illegally tipped a friend in 2010 of the status of a regulatory review for its drug Esbriet.

The SEC said Friday it had reached a settlement with former InterMune controller Bruce Tomlinson, a day after it sued him for telling former business associate Michael Sarkesian that a European regulatory review for the drug was moving faster and better than expected.

Sarkesian went on to buy 400 InterMune call options ahead of the announcement, making $616,000 in profits, the lawsuit said. The SEC said as a result of his tip Tomlinson had violated U.S. securities laws.

The SEC had previously reached a settlement with Sarkesian for insider trading violations in March 2012. He agreed to disgorge $616,000 in profits earned on the trade and pay more than $93,800 in civil penalties