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$亿纬锂能(SZ300014)$ $宁德时代(SZ300750)$
LG is starting mass production of their version of the 4680 in August.
1) Production will be in Ochang, South Korea
2) The capacity of the plant is 9 GWh
3) They're also constructing a plant in Arizona with a capacity of 36 GWh dedicated to 4680s, which is expected to be operational in 2026.


06-27 07:22


06-27 06:33

雪球上有个名叫“黑黑的夜”朋友不断吐槽4680大圆柱电池、特斯拉电池工厂、亿纬锂能。事实到底怎样?$科达利(SZ002850)$ $亿纬锂能(SZ300014)$ $特斯拉(TSLA)$