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B站的月活统计口径在 22年Q2 变了:
22年Q2 : PC (去重)+ mobile (不去重)

Starting from the second quarter of 2022, we count our active users as the sum of active users on mobile apps and PC ends during a given period. We calculate active users on mobile apps based on the number of mobile devices (including smart TV and other smart devices) that have launched our mobile apps during a given period. Active users on the PC ends refer to the sum of valid logged-in users who visit our PC website at bilibili.com and engage in PC application during a given period, after eliminating duplicates.

22年Q2之前: PC + mobile 然后再去重

MAU = sum of our mobile apps MAUs and PC MAUs after eliminating duplicates so that each active registered user that logged on both our Bilibili mobile app and our Bilibili PC website would only be counted towards mobile apps MAUs and not PC MAUs during a given month. We calculate mobile apps MAUs based on the number of mobile devices (incluIding smart TV and other smart devices) that launched our mobile apps during a given month

$哔哩哔哩(BILI)$ $哔哩哔哩-W(09626)$ 


2023-04-06 17:21


2023-04-06 12:40
